Call for Papers
CfP: »Open Organizing in an Open Society?«
Please find below the Call for Papers for a Special Issue in Organization Studieson “Open Organizing in an Open Society? Conditions, Consequences and Contradictions of Openness as an Organizing Principle” (PDF), co-edited by Georg von Krogh, Violetta Splitter, Peter Walgenbach, Richard Whittington and Leonhard Dobusch. In case you are interested to submit a paper to the Special Issue, please also consider to submit a short paper version of it to the upcoming EGOS sub-theme 55 on “Open Organizing for an Open Society? Connecting Research on Organizational Openness” . Submitting authors are not in any way obliged to participate at this sub-theme, and papers presented at the sub-theme are not guaranteed publication in the Special Issue. We just see this sub-theme as an opportunity to develop papers for submission. Deadline for submitting short papers to the EGOS sub-theme is January 14, 2019, deadline for submitting manuscripts to the Special Issue in Organization Studies is November 30, 2019.
Organization Studies: Special Issue Call for Papers Open Organizing in an Open Society? Conditions, Consequences and Contradictions of Openness as an Organizing Principle
Editors: Leonhard Dobusch, Georg von Krogh, Violetta Splitter, Peter Walgenbach, Richard Whittington Submission
Deadline: Nov 30, 2019
For more detailed information visit the Website of ConJunction, Organization Studies Innsbruck Community.
Submitting your paper
Please submit your manuscript through the journal’s online submission system ( You will need to create a user account if you do not already have one, and you must select the appropriate Special Issue at the “Manuscript Type” option. The Special Issue Editors handle all manuscripts in accordance with the journal’s policies and procedures; they expect authors to follow the journal’s submission guidelines ( You can submit your manuscript for this Special Issue between 15th and 30th of November 2019.
For further information please contact Violetta Splitter (, Leonhard Dobusch ( or one of the other editors. For administrative support and general queries, you may contact Sophia Tzagaraki, Managing Editor of Organization Studies, at