Call for Papers
CfP: The political philosophy of Rosa Luxemburg: A critical assessment
Marking the hundredth anniversary of Luxemburg’s murder in January 1919, this conference turns towards her political philosophy and discusses her philosophical arguments at the intersection with more strategic, historical, and sociological considerations. We invite paper proposals for papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Socialist liberty: How would a Luxemburgian liberal socialism looks like and how defensible is it?
- The poverty of reformism: What are her reasons for opposing reformism? What currency do those reasons have in contemporary capitalist societies?
- The future of revolution: How does Luxemburg justify the emphasis on workers' self-emancipation? Are her considerations applicable to contemporary circumstances?
- Council democracy: How does she conceptualize participation, representation and delegation within this system? and how could it operate in a large and complex society? In which ways is this model still desirable and applicable today?
- Capital accumulation and imperialism: Is Luxemburg's description of how new markets need to be opened up by imperialistic force and colonial rule convincing and maybe applicable to our times as well?
We invite papers discussing philosophical questions within or close to the described topics or any other area of the political theory and philosophy of Rosa Luxemburg. Please submit an anonymized 300 - 500 word abstract suitable for blind review by July 1st.
- E-Mail Adresse für Einreichungen:
- Deadline: 01.07.2018
- Call-Bezeichnung: Call for Papers
- Ort: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Datum: 10.01.2019
- Uhrzeit: 10:00 Uhr
- Ende: 11.01.2019 18:00
- Veranstaltende Institution: Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund University) et al
Name: Robin Celikates