Call for Papers

Network “Digital Economy” at SASE Conference, 3.-5. Juli 2021

/ 15. Dezember 2020

We aim to be an open, lively and welcoming place for all researchers interested in the socio-economic facets of the digital economy. We wish to continue the discussion, initiated over the past two years, on topics such as the platform economy, the datafication of markets, the participatory economy, the development of digital currencies, the regulation of the digital economy, as well as to foster the exploration of new or emerging subjects.

It is possible to submit in two different categories: Individual Papers and Sessions. Abstracts for submissions to regular networks should be no longer than 500 words. To submit a session, you must include both an overall abstract for the session and abstracts for each of the 3-5 papers composing the session. 

Important dates:

  • The deadline for submitting proposals is 16 January 2021.
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent by late February 2021.
  • Full papers are expected four weeks before the conference.


Conference website and general call:

SASE Networks:

Submission link:

Digital technologies are contributing to radical, growing and unpredictable transformations of economic life, raising a broad range of new issues for scholars of the economy. This research network is dedicated to the study of these issues. We are particularly interested in the impact of these developments on market processes and actors, on goods themselves, on non-market forms of economy, and on wider social outcomes.

In the area of market processes we encourage discussion, for example, of intermediaries and business models such as the platform economy, coordination instruments such as participatory evaluation systems, digital reputations, the massive collection of consumer data, virtual and alternative currencies, bots, algorithms, new kinds of digital objects and forms of qualification and calculation.

Digital technology can also provide a platform for non-market forms of economy, and we welcome contributions on digital forms of gift and participative economy as well as the use of digital platforms for governmental initiatives and services.

Ultimately we are interested in the impact of such developments on wider social outcomes, including inequality, inclusion and exclusion on the basis of gender, class, race, ethnicity and geopolitical region, governance capacities, systemic risk, environmental change, and political engagement with economic issues.

Network organizers: 

  • Thomas Beauvisage
  • Jean-Samuel Beuscart
  • Timur Ergen
  • Anne Jourdain
  • Vili Lehdonvirta
  • Kevin Mellet
  • Sidonie Naulin
  • Elke Schüßler